Pet Sitting Rates

Dog Walks & Vacation Visits
Up to 4 per day

20 Minute Visit
1 Pet: $20.00
2 Pets: $23.00
3 Pets: $26.00
(Each additional pet is $3.00)

30 Minute Visit
1 Pet: $25.00
2 Pets: $28.00
3 Pets: $31.00
(Each additional pet is $3.00)

NEW Dog Walking Discount

Monday through Friday Doggie Discount
*$10.00 off your weekly invoice,
when you receive 5 or more visits/walks each week
*Applies to our automatically booked Monday through Friday clients

Existing Pet Sitting Customer Login
Pet Sitters International background-check-passed
Friend Pet Wathers Northwest on Facebook


Pet Taxi Service / One Way Trip
1 Pet: $20.00
2 Pets: $25.00
3 Pets: $30.00
(Each additional pet is $5.00)

Holiday Fees:
Visit: $10.00

Short Notice Cancellation Fees:
(Applies to any bookings which are cancelled after 7pm the day before service)
Visit: $10.00

Other Service Fees:
Late Payment: $20.00 every month overdue
Key Pick up or Drop off: $10.00
Supply Pick up & Delivery: $25.00 + the cost of supplies
Vet visit: $35.00
Out of Service Area: $2.00 per visit